April 2007 - Mock Orange Bikes
Anyone up for a ride?
April 24, 2007
Hello friends. Hope everyone is enjoying this nice spring weather we’re having here in the piedmont of North Carolina. We wanted to let you all know about some key bike rides that the Mock Orange has going this week.
As today is Tuesday, the “Tuesday...
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MOB Haiku Contest Winner!
April 16, 2007
We have a winner of the first Mock Orange Bikes Spring Biking Haiku Contest! The winner is Guy Spiher. Guy has procured a free Cyfac bike set-up courtesy of the service department at MOB. The winning entry is:
Where are my bike shoesWhere have I left...
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National Day of Climate Action, April 14, 2007
April 11, 2007
As part of “Step It Up 2007”, the largest day of citizen action focusing on global warming in our nation’s history, we will be hosting two bike rides from the shop. The 10 am road ride will leave as normal from MOB, this week being around...
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