Cleat Fittings - Mock Orange Bikes
Look Keo-Fit
For those of you looking to try out Look pedals or if you already have a set, the Look Keo-Fit cleat alignment system is a precise way of really getting your cleat in the optimal position on your shoe. Several members of the Mock Orange Racing Team have had this fitting done with absolute success. The unique aspect of this system is that it measures exactly the amount of angular foot movement during the rotation of the crank arm. Not only will this help determine exactly where your cleat will need to be positioned but it will also tell you if a different style of cleat is necessary.
For more detailed information on how this system works definitely visit their website: Keo-Fit
>> Fee: $50
RAD kit
The RAD Kit,or Rotational Adjustment Device, is a popular cleat alignment tool that has been used throughout the cycling industry for several years now. The great thing about this system is it’s ability to accommodate most modern clipless pedals. Look, Speedplay, Crank Brothers, Shimano and Campy Pedals can all be used with the RAD Kit. In the words of the RAD team, “RADs™ are ingenious devices recognized by cycling technicians, coaches and podiatry professionals as the best and most reliable method for setting the cleat position on the cycling shoe allowing for the rider’s natural gait.”
For more info on the Rad Kit visit their website: RAD Kit
>> Fee: $50