About Us - Mock Orange Bikes

Andy with his BIanchi Via Nirone 7. He is the newest addition to the crew at Mock Orange Bikes. Andy is a great guy and loves to ride his bikes. He is enjoying putting his Mechanical Engineering Degree and love of tinkering to work making bicycles operate correctly. Stop in and say hello to Andy at Mock Orange Bikes! Looking Good!
Welcome to Mock Orange Bikes, or the “MOB”as you may have heard us called. ‘What does the name mean?’ We wanted our name to reflect our individuality; we didn’t want to be another “Joe’s Bike Shop” (sorry, Joe). After numerous hours of deep meditation and an impossibly long list of potential names, Webster’s dictionary revealed the answer – ‘mock orange’. A plant indigenous to the south, and a name that paid homage both to our roots in Mocksville and love for that citrusy color – Mock Orange Bikes was born. In 2006, Mock Orange Bikes made the big move to the West End in Winston-Salem from its Main Street Mocksville location. A bigger shop, like a larger vase, has enabled Mock Orange to grow and blossom into one of North Carolina’s most well known and unique bicycle shops.
We are entering our seventh year of business in the Piedmont area of lovely North Carolina. We are deeply grateful for all of our customers and friends who have supported us since we opened in 2003, and look forward to many, many more years of servicing the cycling community at large here in NC. We have grown from a one-man operation with 42 bikes on the floor to a fully staffed, professionally trained shop capable of serving any cyclist’s needs. With over 40 years of combined bicycle retail and service experience, and well over a half a century’s worth of riding and racing experience, the Mock Orange staff is a well learned, informative, and enthusiastic resource for anyone interested in improving their cycling experience. Despite all of this experience and professionalism, we want to keep our shop fun and low key. Stop by, say hi, enjoy a cup of MoJoe and talk bikes with us. Without the all too common bike shop hype and elitism, we strive to provide the best in service, advice, and products available! Please come by and experience how positive the cycling lifestyle can be.
Riding bikes, fixing bikes, building bikes, debuilding bikes, talking bikes, walking bikes, breaking bikes, racing bikes, wheelie-ing bikes, crashing bikes, thinking bikes, designing bikes, selling bikes, skidding bikes, tuning bikes, painting bikes, seeing bikes, living bikes.
RIDES: Bikes.
FAVORITES: Sweet bike rides of any sort.
SAID: “What time is it, anyway?”
Contact: charles@mockorangebikes.com
RIDES: Mountain Bikes SON!
FAVORITES: Thunder Dome! Lady GaGa
SAID: “Hey girl, you like bikes?”
CONTACT: alex@mockorangebikes.com