Another American in Paris?
July 14, 2006
I trust you all have been enjoying the big bike race in France this year. We here at MOB certainly have. It was totally awesome yesterday to see that “other” American slide into the Yellow Jersey. Good work Floyd Landis! Of course, it is nice to see all those American guys do well in the big races. Even in the “post Lance era” you’ve got guys like Levi Leiphiemer, Dave Zabriskie, and George Hincapie to keep the patriotic flames afire. Hopefully one or more of those riders can win a stage or two this year before the “big show” draws to a close. In the meantime, it will be good to see a long and prosperous reign in Yellow for Floyd Landis this year.
If you have not been by the shop lately, come on by and check out the latest in stylish off the bike headwear from MOB. The new “mobilt” MOB baseball hats are here and boy they are snazzy! Also, unbeknownst to many folks, Chris King, famous for bomb proof headsets for bicycles, also roasts a mean coffee bean. Come by and sample a cup of the “Rocket Brew.” You may want to grab a bag for a little “rocket” power!