Mocktoberfest, part 2
October 10, 2007
We hope you are all enjoying this late season warm weather we are having and have been able to take advantage of it with some biking! Mocktoberfest has been a smashing success so far. Thanks to everyone who came out to “Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day” at the Children’s Home last weekend. It was a great day and fun was certainly had by all!
The second half of “Mocktoberfest” promises to be just as exhilarating as the first half. Here is an itinerary:
October 14: MTB Ride at Dark Mountain, 2 pm
Meet the MOB crew at the visitor’s center at Kerr Scott Dam Park in Wilkesboro. This will be a great afternoon of off-road biking that you’ll not want to miss! Call the shop for details and directions.
October 20: Cyclocross Clinic at Hanes Park 12-2 pm
Join MOB ‘cross rider Darryl Rains at Hanes Park at 12 noon for a nice ‘cross session. This clinic is for beginners and experienced cyclocross riders alike, and will cover the basic techniques of the sport. The afternoon will also feature several Kona demo ‘cross bikes for all to enjoy. There will also be a post clinic ride that will be very enjoyable.
October 27: 3rd semi-annual Cyclocross-dressing Jamboree at the MOB
Pre-Race meeting and warm up – 7:30 pm
Race – 9 pm
October 28: First off-season training ride with beer and brats upon return.
Start the off-season with a bang! We will begin our off-season road rides on Sunday, October 28 at 1 pm from the shop. These rides will be three to four hours in length and will be at a steady “training” type pace. They will be held each Sunday through the fall and winter and will be led by members of the MOB Cycling Team. To commemorate the beginning of the “training season” Charles will be preparing his famous bratwurst hot off the grill, complete with beverages and all the trimmings, for riders upon their return to the shop. This will be a spectacular way to close Mocktoberfest for the year as well as begin the training season, so do not miss this great autumn ride.
Thanks and we’ll see you soon!