Piedmont Flyers Thanksgiving Road Ride and Bikes for Kids
November 20, 2007
Commemorate the season this Thursday with the 3rd annual Piedmont Flyers Thanksgiving Day Road Ride! This casual pace road ride will leave the Lewisville Square at 9 am for about 40 miles worth of fresh air. There is also a shortcut option available for those that have to get home a little earlier to carve the turkey. This will be a great way to get psyched up for some serious feasting later in the day.
Also, as the holidays are upon us it is time once again to think about the very worthwhile “Bikes For Kids ” program put on by the Piedmont Flyers. This is basically a “bike drive” that raises money for kid’s bikes for children in the area that otherwise may not be able to obtain a new set of wheels. It is the season for giving, and the Flyers are in the process of taking donations to once again make this a memorable year for as many children as possible. For more information visit http://www.piedmontflyers.com/ or give us a call at the shop.
Thanks and we’ll see you soon!
I left a little reprise of my Saturday ride on my blog if your interested in a little humor.