‘Preciate-Ya’ Challenge – 2013
July 1, 2013
Yesterday we did our annual bike ride for our special customers, we had great weather and an awesome ride up to Hanging Rock, followed by a meal together here at the shop. Newly dubbed the “‘preciata-Ya’ Challenge” (a term borrowed from one of our must endearing customers) this is our way of thanking our best customers. These are folks that are not only our customers, but friends as well, people we would be happy to sit down at the supper table with. So once again, we would like to thank all of our customers that regularly and selflessly buy local, not just here at MOB, but at other locally owned small businesses. Folks like you all are what keeps our community thriving! Preciate-Ya! Enjoy some photos of the ride below!
Thanks to all who made this great ride happen. I am now stoked to getting back into shape so I never again have to suffer as much climbing Hanging Rock!!!