Ashley McKenzie and the Great Divide Race
July 5, 2007
Here is Ashley McKenzie particiapating in the Great Divide Race. The Great Divide Race is a self-supported, solo competition following the 2,490-mile Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. Traversing Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico, the route demands over 200,000 feet of climbing along it’s length. Competitors carry all equipment necessary to negotiate the backcountry, restocking on food and other supplies from the small towns along the route. Here is Ashley on his “Mobilt” Kona Kula 29er. See for more information and check the MOBlog again soon for a race report from Ashley.
Really? Let’s keep in mind this was in 2007. And we have no idea where the photo came from, Ashley sent it to us. If it really does bother you we’ll take it down. Thanks Bro!!